Trying for a second naturally at 47
I got pregnant naturally right before my 44th birthday, and had a healthy pregnancy and have a beautiful son.
It was two months after a failed IVF [Invitro Fertilization] cycle, so maybe the drugs were still in my system, but probably not.
I just turned 47 years old, and am trying for a second naturally.
My RE [Reproductive Endocrinologist] is pretty known in this field and has published a lot on the topic of DHEA [dehydroepiandrosterone].
He is based in NYC, and has a lot of older clientele.
His protocol is to take 25mg three times a day of micronized DHEA and 1000 mg of Co-Q 10 daily (I split it up into 3 times a day as well so it is easier on my stomach.)
He said he has had many patients in their 40s get pregnant (either through IVF or spontaneous pregnancy), and the DHEA (a testosterone precursor) helps older eggs revitalize like recharging a battery that hasn’t been used for a while.
He recommends this protocol, along with a prenatal vitamin and folic acid to do for three months prior to a scheduled IVF.
He said he wanted to see my testosterone levels over 60 (they lower as we age).
Good luck, and if you take the DHEA make sure to have your bloods monitored.
~*~ Maddie
by Cara Birrittieri
-- Until now, there has been little practical advice on what women can do about ticking biological clocks.
What Every Woman Should Know About Her Biological Clock is the first book to explore a woman's reproductive life span completely, from beginning to end.
Based on Cara Birrittieri's own experience of running up against a slowing biological clock, she shows women for the first time how to
tell what time it iswith a simple blood test that gives them a peek at the state of their ovaries.

Click to order/for more info: What Every Woman Should Know About Fertility and Her Biological Clock