Pregnant at 44 after Bowen Therapy
She told me she was a massage therapist and practiced Bowen Therapy also.
We started talking more about other things and TTC [trying to conceive] came up, along with my age.
She said she had three other clients who got pregnant after therapy with her, when nothing else was working.
So yesterday I finally was able to get a treatment, and she told me that those three clients are all 44 years old!
One lady is due next week, another in April, and I'm not sure about the other one. That gives me hope.
She told me that she thought one of my issues is fear, probably fear of not having another baby.
She said fear can be a huge block in the body, and could very well be keeping me from getting pregnant, so I need to get rid of this fear.
A lot of this was pretty new age-y, but I'm open to just about anything these days!
She thinks I will be pregnant within three months.
I'm going to see her every other week, and the massage felt soooo good. I was really relaxed afterwards.
Photo credit: Baby massage,
by Valentina Powers, on Flickr
Some rights reserved
by Zita West
-- A pioneer in the field of fertility, Zita West's programme is invaluable for couples trying to conceive.
Harley Street's most popular fertility expert, and favourite consultant to celebrity clients, guides the reader through a process of vital physical and mental preparation.
The book is for every couple trying to conceive and has fascinating advice taken from Zita's 20 years of experience as midwife and 7 years as an acupuncturist.
It provides a structured, easy-to-follow step-by-step programme, complete with case studies and and enormously detailed questionnaire.
The guide includes details on:
• when and how often to have sex
• what can prevent fertilization and conception
• everything you need to know about sperm and ovulation
• nutrition, supplements and herbs
• complementary therapies such as acupressure, lymphatic massage and hypnotherapy
• how to overcome stress and other emotional blocks to pregnancy
• PCOS, endometriosis and other health issues
• tests and procedures if there is a problem
• and much much more.

Click to order/for more info: Zita West's Guide to Getting Pregnant

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Category: 44