Beat the odds at 44
A woman I know from another board just got her BFP [big fat positive - positive pregnancy test]
This will be her first child!
This was from a minimum stimulation IVF [in vitro fertilization] cycle with Dr. Zhang - the same guy I just starting seeing myself.
She is 44 years old, and will be 45 years old in a couple of months.
Her FSH [follicle stimulating hormone] was 6.5 and e2 [estrogen level] was 112 - which of course means that her FSH was actually higher.
Yes, she BEAT the odds!
She has been trying naturally for a long time.
She transferred two, two day embies [embryos], and did Clomid only for six days I believe (from cycle day 4 - cycle day 10).
I am so excited I can barely stand it... especially since I am also working with this same doctor!!!
Photo credit: In the palm of your hand, by Matthew Fane/MrGreen09
The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health
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