5 IVFs + 44 years = 10 weeks pregnant!
I had an amazing experience with the gentle cycle with Dr Zhang. I am now (after 5 IVF's -- I am 44 years old) 10.5 weeks pregnant and am thrilled. I think he is amazing and brilliant and the staff is fab.
It was a tough year (and I am old in the fertility world) but he made the process easy and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
I had major scar tissue in my tubes from Crohn's disease and therefore, my only option is IVF [in vitro fertilization]. Everything else worked well (other than I am 44 years old). This was my fifth try and the protocol was slightly different. All I took was Femera and produced three eggs and all fertilized and two were 8-cell A quality and one was 7-cell.
Very natural cycle with minimal drugs. That is how is works with women of my age. Doctor was thrilled this time, and said it was my best embryos in the year. I also started Acupuncture in January, and did herbs for fertility.
I took Femara 2.5m from day 3 until retrieval. I was also doing acupuncture 2x per week and taking herbs. The drug is similar to Clomid, in that you create additional eggs but considered much more natural. For me it worked (hopefully it will keep).
I go back to doctor today, and am actually quite nervous. I didn't take any other drugs until transfer, and then he gave me Estradiol and a shot of something and that is it.
Dr. Z always made adjustments to my drugs. One month I tried Femara, another month he had me do a prep cycle with Estradiol or Clomid. Every cycle he did something slightly different, until he found the right combination for me which was Femera.
This time was easiest and was probably my last try. I was emotional and exhausted, and am so excited. I think Dr Zhang is brilliant, and the staff is amazing. I would completely recommend him. Not sure of your age, but he also does a lot of 40+ women.
Several months later, from the same person:
It has been an amazing pregnancy so far and next Friday I am delivering via c-section. He is the best!
Thanks for letting me share.
Photo credit: Nurse Gabi,
by Kyle and Kelly Adams, on Flickr
Some rights reserved
Budgeting for Infertility: How to Bring Home a Baby Without Breaking the Bank
by Evelina W Sterling, Angie Best-Boss
-- Having a baby can be one of the most wonderful times of your life -- but if you need help to conceive, it can swiftly become a staggeringly expensive undertaking.
With the average cost of infertility treatments ranging from $35,000 to $85,000 in the United States (most of which is not covered by insurance companies), many women and couples find themselves having to make difficult choices about building their families.
Getting a grip on your finances is one of the few things you can do to regain control of this process. Infertility experts Evelina Weidman Sterling and Angie Best-Boss have created the ultimate guide to ensuring the most cost-effective care with the highest chances for success.
With anecdotes, interviews, and advice from both doctors and patients, you can easily apply these specific money-saving strategies to your own unique situation.

Click to order/for more info: Budgeting for Infertility

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