46y old success at IVF clinic?
I know of quite a few stories of healthy children born when their mothers were 45+ years old, but all were after natural pregnancies.
My local clinic has told me that there have been NO published reports in the medical literature of IVF successes at 46 or older.
Yet several of you who participated in Dr. Zhang's call mentioned the Kato Ladies' Clinic in Japan, with their 7-8 live births annually to women 45-47.
Were these fresh transfers?
I tried to search for a website (in English) with info about the clinic, but was unsuccessful. Anyone have more information?
Also, I'm wondering about a previous post -- is there any possibility you might be able to find out more about the 46-year-old mom whom you met recently at your clinic?
(ie. whether this was a fresh transfer, and if so, what kind of protocol?)
If it's true that no reports have been published, re: IVF success at 46, then I'd assume your clinic will write up this case study.
Updated by Rachel Schatten: Dr Zhang’s clinic did a successful IVF for a 47, 48 and also 49 year old. Also the Center for Human Reproduction did two at 48 years old as well.
Photo credit: Nibblin' on da nose!,
by Juhan Sonin, on Flickr
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