Six weeks pregnant at 43
I'm 43 years old (44 in January), and am just six weeks pregnant.
I had one failed cycle with the Lister in April - three follicles, but no eggs on EC [egg collection]! Cry
They then changed my meds, and in late July I went for EC, again with just three follicles (talk about a feeling of deja vu!!)
This time though they got three eggs, and 100% fertilization with ICSI [Intracytoplasmic sperm injection].
Two weeks later - I got a big fat positive!
Our first scan is on Tuesday - fingers crossed everything is OK.
I'm doing pregnancy tests every two - three days as that's the only way I'm keeping sane at the moment!
It can happen, I have no idea why everything has turned out like this so far - but I'm just praying it continues.
I just wish I could find out why it's worked so far for me, and could give you some tips.
Instead, all I can do is sending you out as many positive vibes as possible.
Photo Credit: Shoulder To Lean On by Jeremy Bathan
by Martin Carnoy
-- A father and son interview dozens of men in their 40s and 50s to discover why these men have decided to delay parenting or start over, and how they feel about fathering children in late middle age.
The result is a timely assessment of the challenges and rewards older fathers face, as seen through their own eyes and those of their wives and children.
Men are becoming fathers at 40, 50 or more, but there is very little information on what issues they will have to deal with or how to cope with the new life phase.
Lots of anecdotes of from families with either delayed or remarried fatherhood.
It offers glimpses of societal changes as we are all living longer and healthier and as a result, may have children later.
Discusses step-kids, May-December marriages, adoption, fathers-at-home, and more.

Click to order/for more info: Fathers of a Certain Age