• Welcome to our stories!

    My goal is to simply share stories I find online, for inspiration - to those trying - and comfort to those who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant! ... Sort of a "chicken soup for the TTCing over 44 soul". ... Your stories and feedback are welcome! ... Stock Photo credit: simmbarb All rig

  • Impossible to get Pregnant over 40?

    If it is so rare, so impossible, such a miracle to get pregnant spontaneously - why can I find so many stories? Offering inspiration, hope and comfort to those trying to conceive and those finding themselves unexpectedly pregnant over 44 years old... Stock Photo credit: samlevan All rights rese

  • Over 40 Birth Statistics

    "In 2015, there were 224,938 live births in the United States to women ages 40 through 54 -- 754 of those live births to women 50-54. In 2014, there were only 783 live births to women over 43, using donor eggs." ... Source Photo credit: Shaddy with the godmother at the park, Eleanore Fern Paga

  • Scary Down's Syndrome Statistics?

    Personally I find the statistics we get about Down's Syndrome somewhat confusing. So I translated them into percentages. I think it is all too easy to think of 1-80 as one in 80%, but it is not. 1-80 translates to 1.25 % for DS, or 98.75% chance of not having Down Syndrome.... Maternal

Amazon.com lists over 8,000 items under the search term "fertility"

I gave birth after 44

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Monday, April 01, 2013 | 0 comments

Baby in Sunglasses. Stock Photo credit: vinvalenti

I got pregnant at 43 years old, completely naturally.

I gave birth to Kevin a month and a half after my 44th birthday!

Stock Photo credit: vinvalenti
All rights reserved

Pathways to Parenthood: The Ultimate Guide to Surrogacy, by Stacy Ziegler. Publisher: Brown Walker Press (November 1, 2004)Pathways to Parenthood: The Ultimate Guide to Surrogacy
by Stacy Ziegler

-- a how-to guide to Surrogacy. It covers Gestational Surrogacy via IVF as well as Traditional Surrogacy via Artificial Insemination.

The mystery that surrounds Surrogacy is demystified and everything is broken down into layman's terms.

This book will take you from deciding if Surrogacy is the right path for you, to contact with your surrogate after the delivery and everything in between.

You will learn about the legal, medical, as well as the emotional aspects of choosing Surrogacy as your pathway to parenthood. You will be given the pros and cons of using an agency as well as going about it on your own.

Paperback: 120 pages - Click to order/for more info: Pathways to Parenthood - US | Canada | UK

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More Frugal Blogs and Websites:
Born to Love: All your cloth diapering needs, and much more - naturally! We are strong advocates of the personal, social and environmental benefits of natural parenting.
Frugal Freebies: Keep up with the latest free stuff, deals, coupons, and other ways to save money!
My Frugal Baby Tips: Taking care of baby and mom needs naturally, does not have to cost a whole lot of money!

More "Pregnancy Over 40" blogs to visit:
Life Begins... - Pregnancy stories of loss, hope and help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope and inspiration!
You Can Get Pregnant in Your 40's - Sharing articles, discussing options and suggestions
Stories of Pregnancy and Birth over 44 - sharing news stories I find online, for inspiration!

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About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost that precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted that there will be no more babies in our house.

Find Catherine on Google+ - Circle us on Google+ - Join us on Facebook - Follow us on Twitter


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