Happy Mistakes Over 40
I really am not worried about getting pregnant in my late 30's - 40's.
I went to Catholic school, and so many of my friends were "happy mistakes".
I know more than a handful whose Moms were at 42 - 43 years old when they were naturally conceived.
Additionally my first boyfriend's brother was naturally conceived when his Mom was 44 years old.
Plus my Mom's best childhood friend, a mentor of mine also and two neighbours all conceived at 40 - 45 years old naturally.
One thing I know about most of them they all were in top shape (mentally, spiritually, emotionally) led happy lives, had a good attitude, had stopped smoking or were non-smokers and were all normal weight range. (not too thin or fat)
Great site by the way!
Stock Photo credit: ugaldew
All rights reserved
by Jann Blackstone-Ford
-- What's a woman to do when she's facing menopause, toddlers, and elder care all at the same time?
Women who have
been there and done thatprovide some insight in Midlife Motherhood.
Offering humor, warmth, and frankness, this is a hand-holding guide for the uninitiated.
What's on their minds:
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• Fertility challenges and what to physically expect from pregnancy
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• Hot flashes and warm bottles: coping with hormonal changes while caring for a new baby

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