Healthy baby girl at 45
I have several issues around all this, and luckily most of them are working out just fine.
I'm now 54, my husband is 46, so we have the younger mates issue as well, sometimes that is difficult.
The happy story is, I had a healthy wonderful baby girl at two days before my 45th birthday! She was conceived in the old fashioned way, but I did have some help and would like to share the following:
1. Acupuncture. Before Melissa was born, I had another pregnancy that ended in miscarriage. What is interesting, though, that both times I had acupuncture prior to conception (the first time NOT to conceive, although the acupuncturist said it often helps). The second time I was in China (I'm from Finland originally, and my husband is American, we now live in New Jersey), and the acupuncturist there (who also was American) had been trained by someone who specialized in this AND helping to carry baby to term.
2. So after conceiving the second time, he didn't recommend acupuncture anymore, but gave me Chinese herbs. I took them for a week and then once a week for five weeks. I had to cook them, strain them and cool them etc! I also traveled during this time back from China by air to San Francisco, then by train across America to New York, and although I was nauseous for the first three months, I had a healthy baby!
So my advice is, seek an acupuncturist who specializes in pregnancy and carrying baby to term. It was the combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbs that I believe helped me to have my wonderful birthday present, as I always call her. - Anya
Stock Photo credit: taskhill
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