Desperately wanted a child at 45
Like me, she was in a new relationship and had children from her first marriage but desperately wanted a child with her current partner.
Anyway, when she failed to get pregnant, she basically accepted it wasn't to be and felt blessed with the family she already had.
She and her husband decided not to pursue any medical interventions and decided to forget about TTC [trying to conceive] and just get on with the life she already had, and looked forward to a future filled with all things good.
Anyway, yep, you've guessed it. I had an email from her at the weekend, and she is thrilled to suddenly discover herself six weeks pregnant. She turned 45 years old a couple of weeks ago.
We read about this sort of thing every day in magazines, etc., but somehow it makes it seem all so real (and achievable!) when lady luck looks down on someone we know, don't you think.
Photo credit: sykicktb
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by Hillary Wright
-- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age, and if left unchecked, is linked to serious health issues like infertility, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and endometrial cancer.
In this groundbreaking book, registered dietitian Hillary Wright explains this increasingly diagnosed disorder and introduces the holistic symptom-management program she developed by working with hundreds of patients.
With Wright's proven diet and lifestyle-based program, you can influence your reproductive hormones and take charge of your health.
Featuring a carbohydrate distribution approach at its core, The PCOS Diet Plan also zeroes in on exactly what exercise, supplements, and self-care choices you can make to feel better every day.

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