Women in their 50s birthing 1st & 2nd babies
From chatting about fertility regarding the older woman, I have heard real life true stories of women in their fifties birthing first and second babies.
These were believable credible people reporting these births.
We'll see, and let you know.
Prayers requested for this over 50 years young, hoping to be MOM.
Photo credit: Peace and quiet,
by Chris Chidsey on FreeImages
Some rights reserved
( Assisted Reproductive Technology )
by Geoffrey Sher, Virginia Marriage Davis, Jean Stoess
-- This clearly written technical handbook guides couples who are trying to conceive in determining whether they are eligible for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and in selecting the program that will help them achieve the best results.
It describes in detail the anatomy and physiology of conception and the steps required for realizing it in the IVF procedure.
In addition to providing accurate information, the practitioner authors address emotional, financial, physical, and moral-religious issues involved in the decision to conceive with medical assistance.
Despite its experimental reputation and persistent high cost, IVF is an appropriate option for many of the estimated 3.3 million infertile couples in the U.S. today, so this specialized manual speaks to a rather large audience of potential users.

Click to order/for more info: In Vitro Fertilization