Oops, I did it again - at 53!
I became pregnant and had my first baby when I was just 19 years old. It would be several years to come before I felt ready to have another and finally, at the age of 34, I birthed a healthy baby son.
My husband and I were happy as was our 14-year-old daughter. If you do the math, our daughter has a late birthday...
I had not decided to become pregnant again, but found myself just that - only to end up miscarrying.
To my surprise, at the age of 42, found myself in an unplanned pregnancy. My doctor said it was menopause and I thought, eh, come again?
My husband and I were delighted and welcomed our surprise without hesitation in spite of the children's age differences. I delivered a healthy baby at the age of 43.
I have always had a consistently regular cycle, every 28 - 29 days apart, I know because I always mark the calendar. I did not get my period this month, so this time actually wondered if menopause had come, just like that?
I waited a few weeks and began feeling symptoms of what I thought might be pregnancy, but at my age? So, I took the test and yes, I am very much pregnant. Again, my husband is thrilled and immediately supportive.
We were not trying and I, if anyone, was completely surprised. In fact, due to my age, felt embarrassed; automatically assuming that people will make fun of, ridicule and laugh at me.
But overnight, I did a complete turnaround... I am not a religious person, so do not believe there is any god who willed this for me, helped me or even that it was my fate. Mind all, that I have many deeply religious friends; just not what I believe. So, to borrow from Brittany Spears... Oops, I did it again!
I don't care what comes at me, I cherish life too much to abort and have set my goals, resigning myself to my own personal bliss. I will hold my aging face up high and walk with my pregnant belly and that will just be that! We already have a 9-year-old, an 18-year-old in college and a soon to be 34 years old. We're different than other families, perhaps in that respect, but not in any other way.
This is my life and I will deal with it. I am so fortunate to have such a loving and supportive hubby and we will get through this! I can turn this into positive happiness, and if I am happy, then so will be my family! :D
Unexplained Infertility, Miscarriage and IVF Failure - Explained
by Alan E. Beer, Julia Kantecki, Jane Reed
-- A unique book—the first of its kind. No longer do patients have to accept that their infertility is
just bad luckand they just have to
keep on trying.
No longer should women with recurrent miscarriages have to listen to their doctor telling them that their loss was
God's willor that they ought to be thankful because their baby was probably chromosomally abnormal.
The statistics simply do not support such claims—in fact, they show that repeated reproductive failure can be a symptom of wider health problems in the mother.
Furthermore, the root cause can be treated—not only to promote the chances of a successful pregnancy but to improve the mother's health long-term.

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