Beyond the fertility age - they have children now
I know several women in their late forties that thought they were beyond the fertility age.
They were less careful using birth control --- they have children now.
Photo credit: Bethtt
Some rights reserved
Budgeting for Infertility: How to Bring Home a Baby Without Breaking the Bank
by Evelina W Sterling, Angie Best-Boss
-- Having a baby can be one of the most wonderful times of your life -- but if you need help to conceive, it can swiftly become a staggeringly expensive undertaking.
With the average cost of infertility treatments ranging from $35,000 to $85,000 in the United States (most of which is not covered by insurance companies), many women and couples find themselves having to make difficult choices about building their families.
Getting a grip on your finances is one of the few things you can do to regain control of this process. Infertility experts Evelina Weidman Sterling and Angie Best-Boss have created the ultimate guide to ensuring the most cost-effective care with the highest chances for success.
With anecdotes, interviews, and advice from both doctors and patients, you can easily apply these specific money-saving strategies to your own unique situation.

Click to order/for more info: Budgeting for Infertility

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