No reason you should not be able to have a baby
Although I am a fertility expert at a top UK clinic, which shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons, I can confirm I have witnessed some highly unscrupulous tactics used by certain fertility specialists and clinics.
I have spoken to many couples who had allegedly undergone fertility tests at some of these clinics and were told they had a 0% chance of conceiving naturally.
When these couples then came to me for a second opinion, I performed the same tests and from the results, I would estimate approximately 80% of these couples should have eventually been able to conceive naturally.
These practices horrify me since there are enough genuinely infertile couples out there who need help.
There is no reason why a healthy woman over the age of 40, who is having regular periods and who is otherwise in excellent health, should not be able to have a baby.
These women should be encouraged, not discouraged, especially since they will undoubtedly provide the strong foundations a child needs in order to develop into a delightful young person.
There are too many children in the world who are unwanted and unloved - often born to young parents - so maybe all the people who are opposed to older parents should refocus their sights on those neglected children.
-- Brian MB ChB, PhD, FRCOG, UK
by Katie Singer
-- A guide to using fertility awareness - that is, reading fertility signals in order to prevent or achieve pregnancy.
Certified fertility educator Katie Singer explains how to observe and chart fertility cycles to determine when a woman is most fertile to increase chances of conception or to exercise birth control naturally - a method, when followed precisely, is as effective as the Pill.
Unlike other books on fertility awareness, The Garden of Fertility also describes how to use the charts to gauge gynecological health and offers non-medical options for strengthening reproductive wellness.
This book provides all the information women never learned in sex education class but should have.

Click to order/for more info: The Garden of Fertility
I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first child at age 44-natural conception. I got pregnant 2 years ago at 42yrs- also natural, but lost the baby at 8 weeks. I am shocked this has happened again. I really am scared. Not delighted. In fact, just 2 days ago I found myself at an abortion clinic ready to do it but didn't. My husband is 52 and is very supportive, but ready to retire and grow old in peace. Tons of worries, no real great feelings about it.
I am 6 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child at 47.My husband is 23.I also have a son who is 28.
I had a son at 18 and another son at 20. Then at the age of 43 I had another son. All natural and all were perfectly healthy. We fell pregnant twice since my last sons birth but lost them early on. I am 47 now and still would love to have one more!