I am 8 weeks' pregnant, turning 46
For those women over 45 who have given up having a child - don't!
I am eight weeks' pregnant and will be turning 46 in November. I'm still in shock as I conceived naturally.
I had my first child at 38 and second at 39 without any problems, in fact first go. I am in a new relationship and my partner and I started trying about six months.
However, as nothing was happening, we both decided that we were blissfully happy with each other and he was content being a step-dad.
Bingo! a month later we are pregnant.
- Kelly, 46, Melbourne, Australia
Photo Credit: boletin
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What Every Woman Should Know About Fertility and Her Biological Clock
by Cara Birrittieri
-- Until now, there has been little practical advice on what women can do about ticking biological clocks.
What Every Woman Should Know About Her Biological Clock is the first book to explore a woman's reproductive life span completely, from beginning to end.
Based on Cara Birrittieri's own experience of running up against a slowing biological clock, she shows women for the first time how to "tell what time it is" with a simple blood test that gives them a peek at the state of their ovaries.

Click to order/for more info: What Every Woman Should Know About Fertility and Her Biological Clock