Three new moms, four new babies - 45, 46, 47
My RE [Reproductive Endocrinologist] is fantastic with age.
Before I had my retrieval on Monday, he told me that in his office ...he has had one 45 year old (had twins), 46 year old (single birth),
...and one 47 year old (single birth)
All with their own eggs, and he was very optimistic with me.
My follicles were all 20, 24, 26 and he retrieved six eggs.
Photo credit: Baby Smile
by Ricardo Ayala on FreeImages
All rights reserved
by Greg Wolfe
-- The man's guide to anything and everything in the infertility universe.
Greg Wolfe went through four cycles of IVF on his rocky journey to fatherhood—and now, with profound sympathy and side-splitting humor, he lays it all out for guys on similar baby-making quests.
How to Make Love to a Plastic Cup is not your typical nuts and bolts (no pun intended) medical guide but a helpful handbook designed specifically with the male partner in mind, with answers to his most pressing questions about the infertility process...

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okay, so who's your re?