At 54 she has 2 beautiful miracle babies
My cousin married, never had children because of her husband and other personal issues.
I am proud to say that at 54 years old my cousin has two beautiful miracle babies.
She has been on Oprah and Dr. Phil discussing this very issue.
I'm proud of Carolyn and any other mom/dad who make a choice to have children later in life to ensure their financial well-being as well as their emotional well-being.
by Liz Angeles
-- A three-part journey that begins with a 44-year-old single woman with no prospects, leading quickly to a middle-aged pregnancy.
Her fears and worries about childbirth with her historically low pain threshold were later transformed by her decision to have a home water birth with no drugs and her success story that involved no complications.
Beginning with a serendipitous love story that led to the sudden pregnancy and concluding with the family events that transpired beyond the delivery, Liz Angeles provides a plethora of information for anyone considering a natural birth.
Her comical memoir spanning a 5-year period includes many healthy pregnancy tips and natural parenting options.
Her revealing details and personal choices promise to educate, entertain and inspire.

Click to order/for more info: 45 and Pregnant

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Category: 54
I am 44 my wife is 54 and we talked about having a child together. She has 2 girls ages 28 and 26 and she is such a great mom!We have discussed it and she agreed and just wanted any info to help.She hasnt had her period regularly but just recenly had one. any help would be appreciated!