Numerous women 45 to early 50's
Someone I know worked as a physician delivering babies for a Native American community at their reservation hospital.
She said that they had numerous women between ages 45 to early 50s coming in to have babies.
No one even raised an eyebrow, because it wasn't like they were unusual (except in terms of some additional health problems, but not in terms of fertility).
I can assure you that this population is not doing egg donation!
And they really didn't offer reproductive endocrinology services either.
If a woman could afford to go outside the system for that, then she probably wouldn't be living on a reservation.
Birth Begins at Forty: Challenging the Myths of Late Motherhood
by Elizabeth Gregory
-- More and more women are giving birth in their forties, and for some it will be their first baby.
What was unusual is now becoming quite common, yet little has been written on this dramatic shift.
This book tells all and is the result of honest and revealing interviews.
The book covers a range of topics, including: the trend to late parenthood; how do you decide?; how easy is it?; the risks and differences with late motherhood; combatting age prejudice; getting life back on track; having another baby; fathers over 40; and the benefits and delights.

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