Might be the oldest 'mother to be' here at 47
Well, I might be the oldest mother to be
here on this discussion board!
I am 47 years old, and just found out I was pregnant a few days ago.
According to my dates, I am approximately 8.5 weeks pregnant.
by Katka Konecna-Rivera
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Category: 47
I am just a little behind you - I will be 47 in a few months and am 8 weeks along. Am thrilled, but very worried about miscarriage and probable abnormalities . . .
Girls thank you SO much for posting as that is so encouraging. I am still trying for no 2 at 46. I had my first naturally at 42. Do you mind if I ask if you are using your own eggs?
God Bless to both of you! :) I'm also 47, and meeting with a private RE next week to pursue conceiving...thank you for giving me hope.
I am 43 and just found out I am pregnant, naturally. Considering that my only child was conceived thru ivf when I was 35 and all other ivf's were failures, this didn't seem possible. I have always had infertility issues and cannot believe the situation I am in. I go for a confirmation ultrasound in a week.
Well I am a bit behind you also - I will be 47 when this baby arrives - This is my 9th child and I'm scared to death! Still nursing my 3 year old about 3 times a day - night and just figured my chances of pg were slim to nil - but we're being very hush until we know for sure everything will be okay. What tests will you ladies be getting? CVS is something we are considering - you?
Will be 48 when this one comes...had one @ 43...not nervous, just want to get the testing done...kudos to all and I pray for those who want to conceive.
I had a baby at age 45.....she was my 8th and
Is 22 now and has always been very strong and beautiful.
I also had a baby at 43 and age 40. At the time
my husband and I had been married over 25 years.
We had our 1st child when I was 25 and we had been
married 7 years and I just never could get pregnant until
then. These were all natural .....just took some time. I didn't
have the 2nd child until age 30. After age 35 I got pregnant
Tested positive for downs....did the genetic ultrasound. Everything was good. At 48 I did worry, but I kept the faith. I didn't want the needle. So now we are waiting for our long legged, long armed boy in January!!! Get tested though to know where you stand and you can weigh your options.