Grandma had 3 kids over the age of 40
Last year I read a study that said moms who had any children after age 33 were on average, very long-lived.
Women Who Have Babies After 33 Live Longer, Study Says wasn't a small difference; women who had their last child after the age of 33 doubled their chances of living to age 95 or older compared with women whose last child was born before their 30th birthday.
It made sense to me because my grandmother had three of her kids over the age of 40, and she lived till she was 97 years old.
by Ellen Sarasohn Glazer
-- Parents who have wondered about the long term impact of infertility on their self-image will find the answers in this insightful book by Lois Melina, author of Raising Adopted Children and Making Sense of Adoption.
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