I was pregnant at 54
In November 2004, when I was 54 years of age, I started having severe tenderness in my nipples. I skipped my otherwise regular, heavy period in December, and the nipple tenderness increased. I figured I was entering menopause.
On New Year's Day, I went to the hospital with symptoms of excessive heavy bleeding and dizziness. My husband and I, and the staff, were shocked to learn that HCG confirmed I was pregnant and having a miscarriage - probability 6-7 weeks gestation. My doctor said he has never seen it in a woman my age and that he would not forget me.
Not knowing I was pregnant, I hardly had time to feel sad about the loss -- my husband and I already are the parents of 7 (then ages 16-32), grandparents of 5 (then 4). I cannot imagine how that pregnancy would have changed our lives if it continued, but we have faith in God and would trust him for that either way. I just had my 56th birthday and I am still having regular, heavy periods.
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