Nina Beck, 50, conceived their 1st child
Nina Beck, 50, and Stacy Jolles, 47, conceived their first child, Noah, while living in California. They purchased sperm from a donor bank and did inseminations at home using a medical syringe. Beck became pregnant in six months and gave birth to Noah, who died of a heart condition at 2 years old.
At the time of Noah’s death, the pair was trying for a second child and sought help at Fletcher Allen’s infertility clinic. Beck and Jolles took Clomid, an oral medication which stimulates the ovaries to produce an egg, but didn’t like the side effects.
"We decided maybe it was too disruptive to our natural bodies," Beck said.
The couple stopped taking the medication and decided not to pursue infertility drugs such as gonadotropin or a procedure such as IVF [in vitro fertilization].
After two years of trying Beck, who was not taking fertility medications at the time, became pregnant with Seth, now 6.
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