They make no money when you conceive on your own
Last week a reporter queried me on a quote a reproductive endocrinologist gave her: “2/3 of women over the age of 35 require medical intervention in order to conceive.”
These attitudes are not only wrong, they are downright harmful. Keep in mind there is a large financial incentive for you to believe these demoralizing prognoses – reproductive medicine is an ever growing multi billion dollar per year cash industry, whose financial rewards grow exponentially when you submit to the belief that your only chance of becoming a parent is through medical intervention.
They make no money when you conceive on your own.
They make maximum profit when multiple women are involved in helping you achieve a pregnancy at all costs. - Randine Lewis, author of Infertility Cure
by Randine Lewis
-- Infertility affects one out of six couples today.
Dr. Lewis presents a groundbreaking alternative approach to infertility, explaining how she used traditional Chinese medicine to treat her own infertility, successfully conceiving and giving birth to two children.
In Lewis's experience, women who have undergone three to six months of the dietary changes, herbs and acupuncture treatments become pregnant with no further effort.
Lewis intersperses her somewhat technical examination of the program with anecdotes about her patients, weaving in discussions on diet, herbal supplements, acupuncture, older women and problems related to infertility.

Click to order/for more info: The Infertility Cure - US | CDN | UK
Category: 43