Samira Elias, 58, oldest new mom in Israel
A 58-year-old Israeli woman has given birth to twins after receiving fertility treatment.
Israeli medical authorities said Samira Elias, a retired history teacher, was the oldest woman to give birth in Israel, breaking a record set several years ago by a 53-year-old woman.
I may be the oldest person to have given birth in Israel but I am the happiest woman in the world,
Elias was quoted as saying in the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper on Monday.
A 2.375 kg-(5 lb 2 oz) boy, Elias, and a girl, Solva, weighing 2.155 kg (4 lb 8 oz), were born by Caesarean section in the hospital in the northern Israeli town of Nahariya on Saturday.
They are her first children.
A resident of Sweden, where she lives with her Swedish husband, Elias told reporters she underwent fertility treatment in Cyprus and returned to her native Israel to give birth so she could be near her family.
Another woman I know is a 44-year-old mom, who had her baby through IVF [in vitro fertilization] 17 months ago.
I know of a gal who used to post on CHFWeb (a homeschooling forum) who was 48 years old, and she got pregnant!
I have friends who have delivered babies in their forties (even a lady who was 47 years old), and all went well.
According to The Illustrated Book of Sexual Records, the oldest woman to menstruate was 104 years old.
The onset and termination of menstruation are subject, like all other sexual phenomena, to immense variation.
The menopause rarely occurs after the age of fifty-five years old, but rare cases do occur.
In one instance menstruation was continuing in a woman aged 104 years old.
I'm 44 years old, 20 weeks pregnant with my third child, and just received my good amnio results last week.
I am 45 years old, and recently just found out I am pregnant!
An In-depth Guide for a Safe and Healthy Pregnancy Over 40
by Kelley D Smith
-- There are a lot of reasons why women put off having children.
In most cases, they prioritized their careers over their own personal life.
Others were just simply not ready for the commitment motherhood demands.
Becoming a mother is one of the most fulfilling jobs everyone would be lucky enough to go through during their entire lifetime.
The problem is despite the fact this is seen by some as a gift, there are also others that see it as a tiring job – fulfilling but at some point, it can take a lot out of you.
The fact is getting pregnant in your 40s is no easy task.
The probability of conceiving alone is quite low in comparison to women who are in their 20s or early 30s.
But this does not mean a woman in her 40s cannot bear a child.
If you are in your 40s and have found out you are pregnant, there are a lot of things you should prepare for.
Although there are a lot of articles and other written works saying getting pregnant in your 40s can lead to a lot of problems for both you and your child, there are still a couple of upsides to this situation.
We have an entire chapter dedicated to what you can look forward to when you are having a baby during this delicate age.

Click to order/for more info: Pregnancy Over 40

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