My daughter was born, perfect & healthy at 45y
Here's a story you can add to your web site if you want, and it happened to yours truly:
I went to a specialist in the summer of 2003, because I was 44 and TTC [trying to conceive] (my first) for 6 months. He tested my FSH [follicle stimulateing hormone] (I don't even remember what it was, I was so clueless about this stuff back then) asked me to start charting.
I went back in a month and he said the chart looked perfect, but that at my age there was nothing he could do for me unless I wanted donor eggs. The next month I just charted and tried and I got pregnant.
In May of 2004 my daughter was born, perfect and healthy. I had a natural birth, by the way, which was awesome. I am now 46 and TTC my second child. I miscarried in August of 2005, but I believe I will get pregnant again and carry to term.