Often had 1 or 2 children when the mother was 45
I do a lot of family research and have found many incidents in my ancestors of mothers having children very late.
Back when my ancestors were having 8-10 children or so, there was a pattern; the first children were spaced a few years apart; then one every two years for 15 years or so. Then longer gaps between, and one or two children very late when the mother was around 45. Usually one or two losses, or a child who dies very young. (Due to disease?)
My point is, that centuries ago, many women had children well into their forties. They were not freaks, nor were all of their children stillborn, miscarried, or handicapped. And they had no access to Clomid and IVF [In Vitro Fertilization] and IUI [Intrauterine Insemination]...
It's a shame that we are made to fear pregnancy at our ages, but it is great that technology exists to assist us now.
Category: 45